Investigating the damages of urban management and its role in city development planning by using tripartite analysis (Case study: Pakdasht Municipality)
Subject Areas :
ahmad asadi
azita rajabi
gholamreza janbazghobadi
mohamad komili
1 - PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Noor Branch, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Tehran Markazi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Noor Branch, Islamic Azad University, Noor, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Geography, Jahad university, Tehran Iran
Keywords: pathology, urban development, City management, Tripartite analysis, Pakdasht city,
Abstract :
One of the most important factors in the system of development plan consists of the present damages in urban management a part of which stems from organizational damages in the urban establishments in the country and by identifying the pathology of the urban management, one can understand the barriers to growth and development of the city in different spheres of the country and effective measures should envisaged in order to overcome the impediments to development and planning. In line with this policy, this study investigates the pathology of the urban management in Pakdasht and its effects on the trend of developmental planning with a view to studying and identifying the pathology of urban management of the Pakdasht City. In this study, by examining the administrative rules and regulations and bylaws as well as the administrative structure of the municipality, and by using the tripartite analysis, attempts have been made to the structural, behavioral and environmental damages. After identifying the pathology of urban management in Pakdasht, a questionnaire based on qualitative analysis and by distributing them among the staff of the municipality has been provided in the form of 349 questionnaires, then the transcripts of the interviews have been analyzed by using the software MAXQDA 2018 and the dimensions of the pathology of the urban development of Pakadash have been identified. Then by using MAXQDA 2018, attempts have been made to draw the pattern of pathology in urban planning in Pakdash and by analyzing and prioritizing the damages in every field, the amount of their role has been evaluated and suggestions have been offered.
Extended Abstract:
One of the most important factors in the system of development plan consists of the present damages in urban management a part of which stems from organizational damages in the urban establishments in the country. By identifying the pathology of the urban management, one can understand the barriers to growth and development of the city in different spheres of the country and effective measures should envisaged in order to overcome the impediments to development and planning. This study indicates that part of these damages stems from organizational damages because the proper function of an organization or institute such as municipality can be severely affected by its organizational structure. The supervising organization i.e. the interior ministry has not announced a certain structure for municipalities based on the current rules with different degrees, this structure
In many municipalities, the structure has not been taken into account and this has caused disorganization and disorder, resulting in disruption in the structure and consequently in their inefficiency. By examining the organizational structure of municipalities across the country, we realise that municipalities have not been tailored to meet local and regional needs, and thus have failed to meet the needs of citizens. This structure is designed regardless of environmental conditions, sources of income, the need for skilled staff and the extent of city development and has been communicated to all municipalities with the same degree. Finally, what is to be seen is that the communicative structure is not very consistent with the existing structure of municipalities and in many cases is even contradictory with it, including those clashing structures whose intrinsic output reflects this structural inequality.Therefore, the questions addressed in this study and the answers to these questions are as follows: To what extent has the existing structure of the municipalities affected their performance and what has been the harm? What are the disadvantages of municipal employees' lack of awareness of organizational rules and behavior? What are the disadvantages of existing urban management laws? And what is the extent of the damage that each of the above causes to the performance of urban management?
The damages are eventually categorized into three categories: structural, contextual or environmental and behavioral, and are identified by using a triaxial analysis model and by analyzing and prioritizing known damages in each case, their role has been measured and suggestions for improvement are made.
The reason for choosing the tricuspid model is that it is one of the models of organizational damage identification. And in that analysis, the phenomena are analyzed into three structural, behavioral, and environmental or contextual categories. Given that the model can classify all the identified dimensions into the aforementioned frameworks, it is essential that the analysis performed on this phenomenon be appropriately comprehensive.
Consequently, by studying municipal administrative laws and regulations as well as the administrative structure of Pakdasht municipality and using triaxial analysis to identify structural, behavioral and environmental or contextual damages of this municipality, the information collected from interviews with experts have been investigated. In this way, the interviews are identified using the content analysis method and MAXQDA 2018 software and pathological analysis of Pakdasht urban development management and the research model is presented after damage identification. A questionnaire based on qualitative analysis was designed and implemented by Pakdasht Urban Development Management Distribution of necessary information to the municipality staff in the form of 349 questionnaires. Then we analyzed the text of the interviews using MAXQDA 2018 content analysis method and identified pathological aspects of Pakdasht urban development management. The results of the interviews were then presented using coding in the foundation data and the results of coding identified 96 open codes among 260 concepts. Then in the axial coding step, these 96 open codes were categorized into 3 categories and 17 subcategories, which are the same three structural, behavioral, and contextual dimensions.
Results and discussion:
The results of the confirmatory factor analysis provide the pathological model of Pakdasht urban development management pathology. In this regard, the factor table shows the extent of the impact of the variable on the model, and the higher the factor load, the greater the impact on the model. According to the data of the mentioned model, the underlying pathology, structural damages, and behavioral damages, respectively, were ranked third, affecting the pathology of Pakdasht urban development management, respectively. It shows that inefficiencies, confusion and complexity and corruption are the influential elements of urban management along with the lack of awareness of the most important issues in the pathology of Pakdasht urban management.