Evaluate and critique of the reorganization plan and empowerment of informal settlements Shiraz Case Study Mahdiabad neighborhood (Katas-Bes)
Subject Areas :
N. Zali
Y. Rahmati
N. Chareh
1 - Gilan University
2 - دانشگاه گیلان
3 - دانشگاه هرمزگان
Keywords: informal settlements, Enabling, Informal Settlements of Shiraz, Mehdi Abad neighborhood (Katas-Bes),
Abstract :
The concentration of poverty in urban areas over the last century as well as the industrialization of the world, the physical aspects of poverty in slums and informal settlements were formed. Enabling approach to solving this problem was proposed in the 1980s, this approach not as a problem but as an informal gathering a view to strengthening the social capital necessary to replace the culture of poverty. Therefore, the present study emphasize the concepts and principles of enabling and organization plan to evaluate the success of informal settlements in the city of Shiraz, Mehdi Abad neighborhood case study (Katas-Bes) using statistical methods with quantitative-qualitative approach to the evaluation plan is discussed. After extraction of the sample using the formula Cochran, 384 questionnaires among residents Mehdi Abad filled and data were analyzed with statistical analysis software Spss. The results show, the first hypothesis that using one-sample t-test (One Sample T-Test) were measured, the average success rate Mehdi Abad neighborhood House sig = 0 /000significance level was equal to 24.3 the expected mean (27) has a mean - 2.7sets. Thus, contrary to the assumption of the study, the failure houses Mehdi Abad neighborhood enabling goals is verified. The second hypothesis of the study, the average success rate in achieving the goals of empowering the Mehdi Abad neighborhood, significant at a level sig = 0/000equal to 54.43 and the average expected -41.57 average difference is 96, Thus the hypothesis that the failure of organizing and empowering neighborhood in the promotion of enabling Mehdi Abad neighborhood, is confirmed. The results indicate that the project is on track to achieve its aims to enabling neighborhood already failed, the most important reason that authoritarian attitudes in the preparation, approval and implementationIn violation of the principles of participation, enabling and institution-building and awareness is key.
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