Explanation of effective and suitable strategies for optimal use of "partnership" in the direction of "urban regeneration" with the approach of "balanced renovation"( case study: Qasr al-Dasht neighborhood of Shiraz)
Saeed Reza Shakiba
PhD student in Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran
Alireza Andalib
Associate professor/department of urban planing/faculty of art and architecture/science and reaserch branch/islamic azad university/Tehran/Iran
zahra sadat saeideh zarabadi
Faculty of Architecture and Art,Sciences and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran.
mahyar ardeshiri
Assistant Professor ,department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Participation, Urban regeneration, balanced renovation, worn-out urban fabric, Qasr al-Dasht neighborhood of Shiraz,
Abstract :
The approach of "balanced innovation" as an indigenous theory is aimed at trying to change inefficient patterns and produce an innovative pattern. This theory tries to find balance in the system of renewing worn-out urban tissues with six wisdoms: "normative-strategic", "applicative-native", "socio-economic", "procedural-content", "explanatory-prescriptive" and "scientific- to redefine "practical" and explain and introduce the principles of balanced renovation and ultimately lead to the stability of the system by establishing balance in it. To explain and determine the balance in the system of renovation of worn-out urban tissues, its principles must also be balanced; And since "participation" is considered as the most important principle, establishing and maintaining balance in it is also necessary. In spite of the fact that people and owners are considered as the first and most important beneficiary community in the renovation of worn-out structures; But the records show that so far in the country, not only have they not had an active role and responsibility; Rather, most of the time they are considered as an obstacle in the way of renovation measures. This research aims to find the place of participation in the theory of balanced renovation in the worn-out fabric of Qasr al-Dasht neighborhood, and investigates the divisions related to the issue and analyzes it. The findings showed that, in order, the participation of the common people, the use of theoretical foundations, attention to public life, recognition of the needs of the beneficiaries, traditional participation, the idea of properties (experts and city planners), the compatibility of the plan and the form of participation are the indicators that need more attention in order to involve the discussion of participation in Achieving balance is in Qasr al-Dasht neighborhood.