Studying informal settlements with livability approach (Case study: Sari informal settlements)
Subject Areas :Sedigheh Lotfi 1 , Kobra Aghajani 2 , Rahimberdi Annamoradnejad 3
1 - Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.
2 - Master of Geography and Urban Planning, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.
Keywords: urban livability, livability, informal settlements, Sari city,
Abstract :
Urban livability is a multifaceted concept that is related to many areas of the living environment in urban areas. Although past studies have provided a better understanding of the evaluation and influence of urban environment quality factors. However, these studies have gaps in the dimensions, methodology and level of study. Therefore, with the aim of measuring the level of livability of informal settlements (Mehdi Abad, Ghafari, Saro Baneh Bagh and Turk Mahalle) in the city of Sari. The present study tried to analyze the livability status and identify the effective factors. Therefore, the methodology of the research is based descriptive-analytical approaches and the data were collected by conducting a field work to complete the given questionnaires which obtained via Cochran. To analysis the data SPSS and AMOS were used. The results showed that the livability level of the neighborhoods is in inappropriate situation and the informal settlements are facing many problems. Also, according to structural equation modeling; Economic (0.69), physical (0.64), environmental (0.54), and social (0.24) criteria are considered the most effective factors on livability, respectively, with the highest factor value. Therefore, the most important indicators affecting livability in order to improve the livability of informal settlements are economic criteria. So, providing low-interest loans to self-employed applicants for residents and long-term tax exemptions (property tax) for building multi-family housing, as well as tax exemptions for the investors who are interested to invest in these areas to create jobs can reduce economic problems to some extent.
So, providing low-interest loans to self-employed applicants for residents and long-term tax exemptions (property tax) for building multi-family housing, as well as tax exemptions for the investors who are interested to invest in these areas to create jobs can reduce economic problems to some extent.
Extended Abstract
Currently, the phenomenon of informal settlement is one of the most important problems of cities and to some extent small and intermediate cities. These settlements, which are considered as an integral part of the urban environment, have been considered as a challenge to sustainable urban development and have always been involved in various issues since its formation. In other words, due to the reproduction of poverty and its spread and endangering the environment, these types of settlements are a serious threat to the stability and cohesion of urban society, which requires special measures to organize and improve the current situation and prevent its spread in the future. According to the different urban concepts of livability, no agreement has been reached regarding the measurement of urban livability to date Several studies have chosen objective indicators and developed their own evaluation framework to assess livability. For example, a comprehensive index system to evaluate the quality of the living environment in urban areas of the United States, which index system included the following aspects: cultural space, housing, employment, crime, transportation and education. Some studies pay attention to residents' satisfaction with urban livability from a subjective perspective. Assessing residential satisfaction are the two main aspects of existing studies, while social surveys or questionnaires are common research methods. Residential satisfaction is a complex and comprehensive process and various factors such as residents' background, housing quality, public facilities or infrastructure have a significant impact. The city of Sari is also widely faced with the problem of informal settlements, where the fungal growth of these areas has continued, so that the physical geography of the city has undergone severe heterogeneity and anomalies. On the one hand, it can be considered as a threat to the urban system, and on the other hand, it can bring many issues and problems to the residents of these areas.
The methodology of the research is based on descriptive-analytical approaches and the data were collected by conducting a field work to complete the given questionnaires which obtained via Cochran model. The present study tried to analyze the livability status and identify the effective factors. Also, SPSS and AMOS were used to analysis the data. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check the normality or non-normality of the data in this research. The significance level is less than 0.05, so non-parametric tests should be used. Kruskal-Wallis test is a non-parametric test that shows the rank difference of three or more independent groups. In other words, it is used to compare two or more groups in terms of a feature. This test was chosen and used to check the level of significant difference in the economic criteria. Structural equation models can be analyzed using Amos software. By using this technique, it is possible to examine and analyze all kinds of conceptual models of different researches. Therefore, structural equation model was used in the current research to determine the factors affecting livability.
Results and discussion
Based on the results of the job structure of the respondents in the informal settlements of Sari showed that the highest percentage of employment is related to workers and farmers and the lowest percentage of employment is related to government jobs. However, only 14.4% are private and government employees. Considering the job structure of the marginalized areas, it can be concluded that the residents of these settlements often lack the education or professional ability and job skills necessary to obtain better job opportunities. Unemployment is seen in abundance in these areas (the highest unemployment rate has been reported in the neighborhood). Also, due to the lack of expertise and low level of education of job seekers, it is always intensified in these areas and has become a factor in causing all kinds of injuries and social deviations in these areas. based on structural equation modeling, the results show that; economic criteria have the greatest impact on improving the living conditions of neighborhood residents compared to the other three criteria.
Since many residents of area are from the lower classes of society and are at a low-income level and are the basis of many social problems. The most important issue that should be considered in order to live in informal settlements is that the planners and managers should have a precise understanding of the issue in taking appropriate measures in this regard. Therefore, a systematic and integrated approach in urban management of Sari city is a prerequisite for improving living standards in informal neighborhoods. The most important indicators affecting livability in order to improve the livability of informal settlements are economic criteria. So, providing low-interest loans to self-employed applicants for residents and long-term tax exemptions (property tax) for building multi-family housing, as well as tax exemptions for the investors who are interested to invest in these areas to create jobs can reduce economic problems to some extent. Increasing technical and professional skills by holding workshops at the local level. Also, preventing the destruction and forced dispersion of these communities as studies revealed that it is the most unscientific policies to deal with the phenomenon of informal settlement. In fact, informal settlements are an outcome of mismanagement and inefficient planning. Considering the social and physical factors, the following steps seem to be useful for improving the condition of official settlements: Improving the sewerage system, basic disposal of surface water and regular and basic waste collection at the neighborhood level. facilitating access to public transport at the neighborhood level. Improving and maintaining the existing security with an emphasis on the social supervision of the residents.
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