Sociological explanation of factors influencing the Body Management of women in Sanandaj (Study case: women aged 25 to 45 living in Sanandaj
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
Parastoo Maleki
Hossein Dehghan
Tallieh Khademian
1 - Ph.D. student of Cultural Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Social Acceptance, body management, Gender Identity, Differentiation, Dignity Seeking,
Abstract :
Introduction:Body management; handling,manipulating and paying attention to the body is influenced by different factors and this research tries to explain the body managementand external factors affecting the body management of women in Sanandaj city.The theoretical framework of this research is based on the theories of Anthony Giddens and Erving Goffman.Method:The survey research method and the research tool is a researcher-made questionnaire and the sample size is equal to 441 women aged 25 to 45 living in Sanandaj city,who were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling.Findings:According to the results,there is a significant relationship between body management and social acceptance,dignity,discrimination and gender identity,and according to the regression test.In fact,from the point of view of the respondents,manipulation and adjustment of the body is a tool to receive approval and social acceptance,so that it can present a new and popular identity with a distinctive body and appearance.With this research,it can be concluded that,on the one hand,body management is an opportunity to improve the physical condition and health and adopt a healthy lifestyle,and on the other hand,it is a threat to health and adopting an unhealthy and pretentious lifestyle,and the important thing is how to take advantage of this opportunity with Paying attention to the interest and belonging of Sanandji women to the clothing style,eating style and style of consumption is to empower and display the art and ethnic identity to improve the status of Sanandji women.For this purpose,the officials should take advantage of this opportunity to introduce and modelbyincreasing awarenessand preparing the platform and conditions.
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