Presenting a Model of Ethical Leadership Based on the Study of Theories of Management.
Subject Areas : Education
1 - مسئول امور مالیمنطقه5
Keywords: higher education, Ethical Leadership, Ethical vision, Ethical Value, Ethical Consciousness,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to present ethical leadership model based on the study of the superiority theories of management in higher education. This qualitative research was identified by inductive content analysis method. First, the themes of ethical leadership were identified using the method content analysis method and based on the field of research, which included 101 articles in the databases from 2000 to 2017. The extracted themes of ethical leadership were identified by overlapping management texts in three areas of ethical vision, moral value, and ethical awareness. In the domain of the agent of the moral perspective, the organizing themes: ethical transformation, moral agility, screening moral dilemmas, human resource development, ethical decision maker and ethical reasoning and in the domain of the moral value of organizing themes: ethical propaganda, ethical adherence, capitalism Moral-social and emotional empowerment, and in the domain of ethical awareness, the organizing themes moral and epistemic leadership were identified. Attending these areas simultaneously for the utmost development of higher education and university executives will show the superiority of ethical leadership.
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