Conceptual Modeling of Effective Classroom Management Experiences in Medical Sciences
Subject Areas : EducationShahla Dabirzadeh 1 , Narges Saeedian 2 , Shayesteh Salehi 3
1 - PhD Student in Educational Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Educational Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
3 - PhD in Educational Management, Associate Professor, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Conceptual Model, Management Experiences, Effective Management, Classroom, Medical Sciences,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of effective classroom management experiences in medical sciences and to provide a conceptual model. The research method was qualitative and with phenomenological approach.The statistical population consisted of all professors and students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (4389 students).Data saturation criterion was used to determine sample size in this study.In the present study, 15 participants (5 professors and 10 students) saturated the data by purposeful sampling and were selected as sample.Data collection was based on in-depth interviews and open-ended questions with follow-up questions to encourage participants to share in-depth experiences. The duration of the interview varied between 60-90 minutes.Validity was assessed using Holstein coefficient and its value was 0.86 and content validity (CVR) was calculated 0.85. Data were analyzed using Maxqda12 software.The main method of data analysis was Colaizzi method with the main variables and sub-variables related to the factors affecting classroom management, the hypothetical model consisting of 7 main concept codes and 17 sub-concept codes to explain these seven components. The findings indicate that the researcher, after performing seven stages of Colaizzi and extracting seven components including seven key concept codes and individual characteristics of the instructor, instructional, supervisory, comprehensive management strategies, cognitive and non-cognitive strategies, space management And it was time and evaluation of theory and practice that explained the specific model of effective classroom management in the medical sciences.Discussion and Conclusion This study has important implications for professors and medical students that the identified components for effective classroom management and optimization for better learning and implementation by professors to enhance their knowledge and practice require special attention. is.And students should be given responsibilities, accepted, and trusted by students to provide an environment of security, mutual trust, and self-esteem.
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