Validating upside down Curriculum Patterns Based on Selective Attention and Self-directed Learning in work and technology lesson in the first high school
Subject Areas : EducationRazieh noori 1 , ladan salimi 2 , esmat rasoli 3
1 - . PhD Student, Department of Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.
Keywords: self-directed learning, Upside Down Curriculum, Selective Attention, Work & Technology Lesson, First High School,
Abstract :
Abstract The purpose of the present study was to, Validating upside down Curriculum Patterns Based on Selective Attention and Self-directed Learning in work and technology lesson in the first high school. This is a descriptive-survey research. The statistical population of this study consisted of all teachers of first high school work and technology lesson in Fars province with approximately 800 people (315 men and 485 women). The sample consisted of 340 secretaries of labor and work and technology teachers who were selected by multi-stage relative cluster sampling with Cochran formula. Data were collected using two self-directed learning learning questionnaires with 24 items and a researcher-made selective attention questionnaire with 24 items on a five-point Likert scale. Content validity was used to determine the validity of the questionnaires and compound reliability was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaires, which had a suitable and acceptable status. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the data using SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that the components of Working memory, competitive selection, Top-down Control and Bottom-up Control are effective in explaining Upside down curriculum pattern based on selective attention. Also, self-management components of spontaneity and self-supervision are effective in explaining the pattern of reversed curriculum based on self-directed learning. The model had a good fit. The Upside down curriculum model based on cognitive attention and self-directed learning is effective in fostering creative, self-directed, responsible students.
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