Analyzing and Evaluating Educational Components to Improve the Model of Architect Training in Order to Optimize Energy Consumption in Architectural Design (Case Study: Architect of Bushehr Province)
Subject Areas : Education
elmira omidvar
Ahmad Torkaman
MohammadAli Rahimi
1 - Ph,D. Student of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran.
Keywords: Architectural Design Educational Pattern, Environmental Problems, Optimization of Energy Consumption,
Abstract :
Introduction:The construction industry plays a significant role in the optimal use of energy resources, and it is clear that what happens in the field of architecture is influenced by the way architects are trained, and basic training in this field can be the source of solving many environmental problems. This research seeks to find the effective components to improve the Pattern of architecture education with the approach of optimizing energy consumption.
Research Methodology: The views of the experts were investigated with the documentary method and the content analysis method was used to extract the educational components. The resulting components were given to ten architecture professors and after consensus about the components using Delphi method, in the form of a questionnaire whose reliability was confirmed through Cronbach's alpha, they were given to 82 selected people using Cochran's formula from 104 basic architects of the province. Bushehr was placed. In order to analyze the data, the frequency distribution of the variables was checked by the Kolmograph-Smirnov test and the normality of the variables was evaluated by the Shapiro-Wilks test, and according to the normal distribution of the variables, the non-parametric-Wilcoxon one-sample test was used and the components were ranked by the Friedman test.
Findings: The findings indicate that the most key components of the architect education Pattern with the approach of optimizing energy consumption, in order of attention in the current education system, epistemology, ethics, research affairs, practical workshops, fundamental patterns, foresight, environmental factors, local knowledge, modernity, recognition and recycling of materials, review There are examples. Obviously, a lower score means a higher priority for including the relevant component in the proposed educational Pattern.
Conclusion: In developing the architecture education Pattern to optimize energy consumption, in addition to teaching theoretical topics, the components of epistemology, ethics, research, practical workshops, fundamental Patterns and foresight should also be considered.