Investigating the effect of a chitosan coating supplemented with sugar beet leaf extract (Beta vulgaris L..) on the chemical, microbial, and sensory characteristics of sevruga fillets (Acipenser stellatus) during refrigerated storage
Subject Areas : food scienceMohadeseh Talebi Haghgo 1 , Nargess Mooraki 2 , Masoud Honarvar 3
1 -
2 -
3 - Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Aquatic Food Products, Beetroot, Herbal extracts, Hurdle effect, Seafoods,
Abstract :
This research examines the impact of chitosan coating infused with sugar beet leaf extract (SBLE), obtained through microwave extraction, on the quality of sevruga fillets during refrigerated storage. The experimental treatments consisted of T1(0.5%chitosan), T2(1%chitosan with 0.5% SBLE), T3(1%chitosan with 1%SBLE), and T4(2%chitosan with 1.5%SBLE) and Control. The fillets were stored in polythene bags at 4°Ⅽ for seven days. The findings from the chemical assessment indicated that the control sample exhibited higher levels of pH, FFAs, TBARs, and PV compared to the coated samples; however, these differences were not statistically significant (p >0.05). Acidity levels rose in T1 and T2, although this increase did not reach significance. TVB-N displayed an upward trend, with the control sample showing significantly elevated levels relative to the other samples (p <0.05). The findings from the microbial assessment indicated a significant increase (p <0.05) in TVC within the control group; however, this increase was not statistically significant for LAB. The analysis of sensory attributes utilizing the PCA revealed that the T2, T3, T4 exhibited significant influences from the evaluated characteristics. In contrast, the control sample and T1 did not align with these sensory characteristics, with the C sample demonstrating lower levels of acceptability. The primary characteristic of T2 was its texture hardness, while T3 was significantly shaped by the aroma and the overall acceptance. In contrast, T4, which exhibited greater acceptance, was influenced by a combination of tested attributes.
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