New recitation of human existential areas in Qur'anic versesBased on the opinions of Islamic philosophers
Subject Areas : Thematic interpretation of the Holy Quran
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran
Keywords: Quran, Philosophy, Body, Soul, Soul,
Abstract :
Most divine philosophers have considered man to be a two-dimensional being, a material-physical dimension and a spiritual-spiritual dimension. Reflection on the works of great philosophers such as Al-Farabi, Avicenna, and Suhrawardi yields the following conclusion: man is a two-dimensional being; a dimension of the soul (spirit) and a dimension of the body (matter). Relying on religious sources and the help of philosophical foundations, for the existential truth of man, religious scholars have also deduced the same two dimensions. Among ‘Deity’ philosophers, Mulla Sadra's view is somewhat different. Inspired by Quranic verses, along with mystical discoveries and intuitions and demonstrative reasoning based on the three objective worlds and their application to human worlds, he has understood three dimensions for man: the natural dimension, the exemplary dimension, and the rational dimension. However, he has not transcended the dualism of previous philosophers.
This article seeks to present a new reading of the dimensions of man's existence from Quranic verses, relying on the ontological foundations of humanity in philosophical systems. The author, using a descriptive-analytical approach and reflecting on the works of divine philosophers and contemplating Quranic verses, has concluded that the dimensions of human existence from the perspective of Quranic verses are three dimensions: body, soul, and spirit.
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