Designing a Successful Career Path Framework for Government Organizations in Iran
Subject Areas : human resource management
mahnaz naghian
karamallah daneshfard
parvaneh gelard
1 - Qeshm Branch Islamic Azad University
2 - Islamic Azad University Department of research Sciences Faculty of Management and Economics
3 - Islamic Azad University Tehran South branch of University of Management
Keywords: career success, career path success, government organizations,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: To effectively retain human resources and minimize turnover rates, organizations must establish a supportive framework for the development of human capital, particularly among efficient and specialized personnel. Consequently, it is essential for organizations to enhance their understanding of the factors contributing to successful career trajectories. This research aims to design a successful career path framework for government organizations in Iran
Research method: The research methodology employed the Delphi technique. The statistical population comprised organizational academic experts. The Delphi panel was constituted of 10 experts, and expert feedback was collected in three iterative stages utilizing a structured questionnaire.
Findings: In the initial round of the Delphi method, 326 indicators were identified. Following this, in the subsequent round, 256 indicators were assessed in relation to components of career path success, encompassing 53 distinct components from the experts' perspectives. In the third round, 17 dimensions of career path success were evaluated across four axes: continuous improvement of objective conditions, institutionalization of mental success, integrated policy-making in career path development, and evaluation of career path success.
Conclusion: It is essential to prioritize internal and executive alignment with organizational job realities and external demands when developing the success model for career pathways. Government organizations should leverage an employee-centered approach in the design and formulation of employee career path strategies.
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