Changing the Economic Equilibrium of Oil Contracts and its Restoration as a result of the Collapse of the Stability of the Contracts Emphasizing the Fundamental Changes in the Contractual Situation
Subject Areas : Jurisprudence and Criminal Law Doctrines
Adham Haghgozar
Ali Rostamifar
Nejad Ali Almasi
1 - PhD student in private law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
2 - Professor of Law Department, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
3 - Department of Private Law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
Keywords: contract equilibrium, stability of oil contracts, economic equilibrium of oil contracts.,
Abstract :
The irrecoverable nature of investment in the oil sector, the long payback period in oil contracts and the inherent political and commercial dangers of oil projects, make stability over the duration of the contract a necessary condition to achieve economic benefits for the main players. The stability of an oil contract involves a complex interaction of the legal, economic and political environment in the host country in which economic activity is carried out and is deeply managed by the interaction between internal and external factors governing the oil industry. Oil producing countries conclude investment contracts with foreign investors due to lack of expertise and capital to improve the production level of their oil fields. Due to the nature of oil contracts, the existing risk and the amount of funds needed to explore and exploit a particular oil square, foreign investors are very careful about the risks of their investment. In this case, the degree of stability is important for the foreign investor, because the less stability the investor anticipates in the oil project, the less interested he has in entering into a long-term contract. Especially in the current situation, almost all host countries have considered stabilization clauses to attract foreign investors, because they believe that there is a strong relationship between stability and the specific value of investment. The reported research in this article, inquire the legal situation of restoring the lost stability of oil contracts, due to the fundamental changes in the lost contractual conditions.
The irrecoverable nature of investment in the oil sector, the long payback period in oil contracts and the inherent political and commercial dangers of oil projects, make stability over the duration of the contract a necessary condition to achieve economic benefits for the main players. The stability of an oil contract involves a complex interaction of the legal, economic and political environment in the host country in which economic activity is carried out and is deeply managed by the interaction between internal and external factors governing the oil industry. Oil producing countries conclude investment contracts with foreign investors due to lack of expertise and capital to improve the production level of their oil fields. Due to the nature of oil contracts, the existing risk and the amount of funds needed to explore and exploit a particular oil square, foreign investors are very careful about the risks of their investment. In this case, the degree of stability is important for the foreign investor, because the less stability the investor anticipates in the oil project, the less interested he has in entering into a long-term contract. Especially in the current situation, almost all host countries have considered stabilization clauses to attract foreign investors, because they believe that there is a strong relationship between stability and the specific value of investment. The reported research in this article, inquire the legal situation of restoring the lost stability of oil contracts, due to the fundamental changes in the lost contractual conditions.
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