Presenting the Model of Factors Affecting the Attraction and Retention of Financial Sponsors in the Country's Sports
Subject Areas :
Sara Ghasemi
Hassan Fahim Devin
Mohammad Reza Esmaeilzadeh Ghandehari
1 - دانشگاه ازاد مشهد
2 - Assoshiated Professor in Sport Management, Department of Physical Education And Sport Science, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
3 - physical education department, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad university, mashhad,Iran
Keywords: Attracting Sponsors, Keeping Sponsors, Sports Sponsors,
Abstract :
The present research was conducted with the aim of providing a model of factors affecting the attraction and retention of sports financial sponsors in the country. The current research is of qualitative type and it was done by exploratory method. The statistical population includes scientific and experimental experts in the field of marketing and financial support in sports, and the research sample was determined using the snowball method, which finally reached data saturation by interviewing 15 people. The data collection tool was semi-structured interview and fuzzy Dimatel questionnaire. Using in-depth semi-structured interviews, the statistical sample was asked to answer the interview questions about the factors affecting the attraction and retention of financial sponsors in sports, and the data was analyzed using the Glazer method, and the items, components, and dimensions were identified. In the following, the research questionnaire was compiled in the framework of fuzzy comparisons and presented again to the statistical community, and the combined method of fuzzy-structural interpretation was used and the research data were prioritized. To analyze the research data, Max Kyuda version 6 and Excel 2023 software were used. The findings of the research showed that the factors affecting the attraction and retention of financial sponsors in the country's sports, from the experts' point of view, were placed in the axes of the factors related to the club, factors related to the event, competition, company, financial factors and administrative factors. Also, the first level includes financial factors, the second level includes club-related factors and event-related factors, the third level of competition, the fourth level of administrative factors, and the fifth level of company-related factors. The research can conclude that sponsors are attracted to and retained by sports organizations based on various factors such as trust, shared values, perceived usefulness, and appropriate relationships. Internal factors such as management, financial resources, human resources, marketing systems, production or support operations, and research and development play an important role in shaping the desirability of sports organizations to potential sponsors.
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