Nominalization in Applied Linguistics and Medical Research Articles: Comparing Native and Non-native Academic Writers
Subject Areas : آموزش زبان انگلیسی
Farzaneh Kazemi
Yaser Hadidi
1 - Departmrnt of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature & Foreign Languages, Tabriz University, Iran
2 - Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Nominalization, Grammatical Metaphor, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Academic Discourse, Research Article, Native Academic Writers, Non-native Academic Writers,
Abstract :
Given the unquestionable significance of academic discourse in knowledge sharing, the present study investigates research articles published in high-ranked journals in two disciplines of Applied Linguistics and Medical Sciences. Considering the fact that abstract sections in a research article are factual representations of the details of the paper, they are of great importance. Moreover, academic writers attempt to publish more valued and engaging articles using numerous writing norms, a well-known way of which is Nominalization. The study follows genre analysis design and includes a corpus of 30 research articles in Applied Linguistics and 30 articles in medical sciences, half by natives and half by non-natives published between 2015 and 2024. Meticulous analysis and article-to-article comparison indicated higher frequency of verbal nominalization in all sets of articles and no statistically significant difference between native and non-native academic writers in both fields. However, there was a considerable difference between the deployment of nominalization between the academic writers in applied linguistics and medical sciences, the former outperforming the latter group. It is believed that the results of this study will help English for Specific- and for Academic Purposes practitioners in the inclusion of more writing instruction practices in their curriculum.
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