The Impact Of Demographic Factors On Satisfaction With Post-Occupancy Evaluation (Case study: Employees In Government Offices In Bandar Abbas)
Subject Areas : Social Evolutions
Shayesteh Farah
Mohammad Ghomeishi
Hesamaddin Sotoudeh
1 - Ph.D. Student In Architecture, Department Of Architecture, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor Of Architecture Department, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor Of Architecture Department, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.
Keywords: Social Interactions, Post-Occupancy Evaluation, Demographic Factors, Government Offices, Bandar Abbas.,
Abstract :
Surveys of building occupants throughout a building's lifespan are a method for gathering feedback that helps improve social interactions and enhance architectural quality. The Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) method has been used worldwide for years, but despite its many advantages, it has received less attention in Iran as a factor for creating social changes aimed at societal development. Individuals spend one-third of their day and nearly half of their waking hours in workspaces, where they are influenced by these environments, making their feedback crucial. Specifically, no study in Iran has examined the impact of demographic factors on POE factors as comprehensively as this research. Based on the question—how do factors such as gender, age, education, job rank, work experience, hours of presence, workspace type, and dividers affect social interactions and satisfaction with POE factors?—this study was developed. The evaluation factors include lighting, sound, temperature and ventilation, layout, biophilia, location and amenities, views, and behavioral factors. The research, focusing on government offices in Bandar Abbas, is descriptive-analytical in nature and uses a quantitative research method. Data were collected through a Likert-scale questionnaire. The results indicate that demographic variables, workspace type, and dividers influence POE factors. An increase in satisfaction with one factor often affects satisfaction with others.
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