Geopolitical Chess: A Comparison of U.S. and Russian Policies in Response to ISIS with Emphasis on the Syrian Crisis
Subject Areas : Political and International Researches Quarterly
Ali Akbarpour Almeh Joghi
Mohammadreza Salehi vasigh
1 -
2 - Political Science, Faculty of Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Geopolitical Power, United States, Russia, ISIS, Smart Power.,
Abstract :
This research study examines a comparative analysis of the geopolitical strategies of the United States and the Russian Federation in response to the emergence and persistence of ISIS in the Middle East, particularly in Syria. Utilizing a theoretical framework of smart power and a descriptive-analytical methodology, the study demonstrates that the strategies of the two powers reflect their distinct priorities and interests in the region. The findings reveal that the U.S. approach has primarily focused on direct counter-terrorism efforts, including military operations, coalition-building with local forces, and providing logistical support to regional allies, with a particular emphasis on stabilization and post-ISIS reconstruction. In contrast, Russia’s strategy has been based on maintaining and expanding its geopolitical influence in the region, with a strong emphasis on supporting the Assad regime in Syria. Although Moscow has justified its intervention as a fight against terrorism, it has predominantly targeted Assad’s opposition groups. This research concludes that the differences in strategic objectives and geopolitical interests of the two powers have led to distinct approaches in addressing the phenomenon of ISIS. These findings may contribute to a deeper understanding of power dynamics in the Middle East and their implications for future policymaking in Iran.
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