When Desire Turns into Need: A Baudrillardian-Lacanian Reading of Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye
Subject Areas : Journal of Teaching English Language StudiesParvaneh Shojaei 1 , Hassan Shahabi 2 , Fatemeh Pourjafari 3
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Keywords: Baudrillard, Lacan, Consumer Culture, Simulation, Desire, Need, The Bluest Eye,
Abstract :
Published in 1970, Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye explores the influence of advertising in shaping desires and establishing societal standards of beauty through its strategic use of visual imagery and packaging. The protagonist, Pecola, becomes immersed in a world dominated by consumerist symbols and icons derived from photography, film, and advertising. This leads her to pursue products not out of necessity but rather from a desire to conform to these constructed ideals. This analysis employs a Baudrillardian-Lacanian framework to examine how advertisements promise the allure of blue eyes, symbolizing Pecola's aspirations and desires. The Bluest Eye serves as a poignant commentary on the need to redefine and reconstruct beauty standards, particularly for African Americans, to challenge the dominant white-defined ideals perpetuated by advertising. Morrison's narrative underscores the detrimental effects of these imposed standards, advocating for resistance against the narrow definitions of beauty often dictated by consumer culture. Through this lens, the novel not only critiques the superficiality of advertising but also calls for a broader understanding of beauty that embraces diversity and authenticity.
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file:///C:/Users/rfi/Downloads/Toni_Morrisons_The_Bluest_Eye_When_Beaaty_Turns_O%20(1).pdf, DOI: 10.20885/jee.vol2.iss1.art7