Psychological Analysis of Remarriage in Holy Quran with Respect to Iranian Women Cultural Considerations
Subject Areas : Psychology
Milad Shamakhte
Mohammad Reza Salarifar
1 - PhD Student in Quran and Psychology, Department of Psychology, Quran and Hadith Complex, Al-Mustafa University, Qom, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, Hawza and University Research Institute, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Psychology, Remarriage, Holy Quran, Cultural,
Abstract :
The current research was intended to accomplish psychological analysis of remarriage in holy Quran with respect to Iranian women cultural considerations. The research universe embraced all psychologic, cultural references and the holy Quran. The sample encased all texts concerning the psychology and culture of remarriage and the holy Quran. The research method was descriptive analytical. To collect data library method via note taking on index cards of the published references concerning the psychology and culture of remarriage from the holy Quran perspective was imposed. Then the data were assessed by descriptive analytical procedure. The results revealed that culture psychology of the holy Quran had women monogamy indications and proposed some evidences. There were few verses in holy Quran that pointed to some of the prophets’ monogamy. It could be apprehended that the holy Quran culture prioritized monogamy rather than polygamy as a path to peace of mind but, consider the polygamy would be useful in abnormal circumstances. In the polygamy the women would more suffer from the stress and would be more exposed to mental insanity while would have less satisfaction from the family life. In the third verse of the Nesa (women) chapter there is an amendment that express it would be so difficult to exercise equality and justice among the spouses in polygamy since justice is one of the most eminent moral virtue that could be claimed by only very a few humans who enjoyed moral defectlessness. In the Nesa (women) chapter (verse 129) in few of the verses generally is declared the monogamy as the principle ethics.
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