The Theory of the Restriction of Divine Names and Attributes and the Analysis of Quranic Verses
Subject Areas :Amir Hadizadeh 1 , Sepideh Namkhodai 2
1 - Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
2 -
Keywords: Taqwīfīyah, The Divine Names and Attributes, Theological Schools of Thought, Philosophy,
Abstract :
The issue of taqwīfīyah, referring to the restrictiveness of divine names and attributes, is a significant topic in Islamic theology. The central question is whether God can be attributed any name or attribute, or whether only those found in the Qur'an and Hadith are permissible. Various scholars hold different views on this matter. Some thinkers, such as the Ash‘arī and certain Imāmī scholars, argue that God's names and attributes are taqwīfī, meaning only those revealed through divine revelation (wahy) are valid. They maintain that introducing any name or attribute beyond what is specified in sacred texts would distort or limit the understanding of God. Conversely, other scholars, including the majority of the Mu‘tazilah, many Imāmī scholars, philosophers, and mystics (‘Urfā’), assert that restricting divine names and attributes to religious texts is unnecessary. They believe that rational and philosophical reasoning can yield new attributes for God, provided they align with His essence. Another perspective differentiates between divine names and attributes. According to this view, the names must strictly correspond to those in religious texts, but God's attributes can be expanded based on rational analysis. This approach has been proposed by some Ash‘arī and Imāmī scholars, such as ‘Allāmah al-Ḥillī. This study explores the topic through a descriptive research methodology.
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