criminological factors affecting the crime breach of trust in the city of Mashhad
Subject Areas : فقه و تاریخ تمدّنMahdi Fani khalil Abad 1 , Seyed Hossein Hosseini 2 , hamidreza Mirzajani 3
1 -
2 - ferdowsi
3 - penal and criminology, islamic Azad university of Mashhad
Keywords: breach of trust, social factors, cultural factors, environmental factors, economic factors.,
Abstract :
Check criminological factors in the city of Mashhad on charges of breach of trust is the main subject of this article; To this end, efforts have been made in accordance criminology theories by distributing questionnaires among Mashhad city court judges Step in order to achieve effective factors on crime in the city of breach of trust be removed. The main question in this study is what factors have influenced the occurrence of the crime of breach of trust in the city of Mashhad. The study was a survey research includes the total population of Mashhad city court judges are That based on the available sample of 35 subjects completed questionnaires were received. The instrument was a questionnaire. The results indicate that economic factors with an average of 52.4, variable social factors with an average of 11.4, Cultural variables and variable environmental factors averaging 4 with an average of 62/3 at 5% level of significant relationships with criminal breach of trust and a positive coefficient indicates that an increase in these factors, the increased mass of breach of trust. According to today's results and the factors affecting the crime of breach of trust is increasing day by day. To be sure, improve and control the need for formal and non-formal interventions. In this context, we can create jobs and poverty reduction and economic recovery, raising the level of general education and social data ... named.
In this regard, various individual, social, environmental, and similar factors are identified as causes leading to crime and delinquency, and in the form of preventive strategies, attempts are made to reduce the level of delinquency in society by controlling or reducing them; therefore, the etiology of crime and delinquency is an initial and very important step in achieving a comprehensive and efficient program for crime prevention, without which, measures leading to crime prevention cannot be initiated.
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