Representation of Gender Roles in Cultural Branding with Emphasis on Women Role from Cultural Psychology Perspective
Subject Areas : Psychology
Ghasem Zarei
Niksa Jabari Kordlar
1 - Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
2 - PHD. Student in Marketing, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: Cultural branding, Gender roles, Cultural psychology,
Abstract :
The current research was purposed to investigate the representation of gender roles in cultural branding with emphasis on women role from cultural psychology perspective. The research universal enfolded all studies and texts concerning the representation of gender roles in cultural branding. The sample encompassed texts related to women role from cultural psychology perspective. The research method was descriptive analytical. To collect data library procedure via note taking on index cards from published references and studies on psychology and women purview and cultural researches was processed. The data was analyzed by implementing content analysis. The results indicated that brands should avoid using traditional gender stereotypes that portray women as passive beings or mere symbols of attractiveness. Instead, brands should depict women as capable and independent individuals with human and cultural characteristics. This representation not only helps enhance brand credibility and strengthen consumer connections but can also promote gender inclusivity and equality in society. Based on cultural and religious teachings, particularly in Islamic societies, women hold important roles not only within the family but also in social and economic spheres. Therefore, cultural branding must take cultural and religious sensitivities into account and pay special attention to highlighting the abilities and potentials of women in its representations. The brands that value human dignity, inclusivity, and gender equality can strengthen the social position of women and prevent the promotion of negative stereotypes. This research emphasizes the necessity of designing marketing strategies that align with cultural and religious values, which can help create positive and sustainable social identities.
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