Nanocoatings in overhead power transmission lines: conductors, insulators, and towers
Subject Areas : Applications of Nanostructures
Majid Mirzaee
Abbass Feizinia
Yaser Ghorbani Amir
1 - Non metallic group, Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran
2 - Non metallic group, Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran
3 - Non metallic group, Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Functional coating, Superhydrophobic, Anti-icing, Anti-corona, Anti-pollution, Anti-corrosion, Overhead transmission lines.,
Abstract :
Overhead transmission lines are the primary method of electricity transmission. Conductors, insulators, and towers are the main electrical equipment of these lines. Since these lines operate in a natural environment, issues such as icing, corona discharge, pollution deposition, and corrosion arise. These problems can lead to incidents that result in significant economic losses. To solve these problems, functional coatings with superhydrophobic, semiconducting, anti-corrosion, and other properties can be applied to electrical equipment, which offer low cost and high efficiency advantages. For this reason, functional coatings have become a hot research topic in the field of external insulation in recent years. Given the various problems faced by electrical equipment in overhead transmission lines, there is a need for distinct solutions. Therefore, this review classifies the coatings based on usage scenarios and functions. In each section, it first briefly states the causes of the problems with electrical equipment, then introduces the mechanism of using this type of functional coating to solve the problem, summarizes the development and application status of this type of coating, compiles the limitations of these coatings, and finally presents a summary of key issues in the research of functional coatings while looking at future research directions.
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