Components of educational literature of resistance in children's poems by Nizar Qabbani and Abbas Yamini Sharif based on the theory by Jean Piaget
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studies
aida danaye
mohamad shaygan mehr
fariborz hoseynjanzade
1 - departman of literature and humanities/ arabic language and literature/ islamic Aazad University/ kashmar branch/ razavi khorasan/mashhad
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashmir Branch, Islamic Azad University
3 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Kashmar, Iran.
Keywords: : Didactic literature, Resistance, Children's poetry, Yamini Sharif, Qabbani, Jean Piaget.,
Abstract :
Child and adolescent poets in Iran and the Arab world paid special attention to Didactic literature. Nowadays, children's poetry has created a new view, and in terms of structure, expression, scope of imagination and image creation, it has adopted new ways in its context. The research on the literature and poetry of children and teenagers can be related to the last two centuries. Therefore, the 20th century can be called "the century of children", because the issue of education has a special place in the literature of children and teenagers. The poetry of children and teenagers has an imaginative and simple language. Of course, the meaning gradually takes place in the children's poetry. Since a child's poem is a poem that can stimulate his taste and talent through education, it should have a quality suitable for the child's imagination and thought. Nizar Qabbani and Abbas Yamini Sharif are among the poets of children's poetry who include Didactic and educational themes in the form of resistance in their poems. Both of them have simple expressions that have been addressed with educational themes. This research was written using the method of the French school, a school that deals with the influence of nations and their literary ties in the same time frame and, unlike other schools, does not give much importance to works from the point of view of Aesthetics. It has also been tried to use this school to express some aspects of the didactic nature of the poems and some of the similarities and differences of both poets. The result of this research reveals that both poets have a positive view on children and adolescents, and childhood is remembered as a fertile ground that you should pay attention to this land and keep it green all the time.
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