Morphology of humor in the stories of Faraydoon Tonekaboni based on Fonagy's theory
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studies
Nasser Karimi
Shamsi Aliari
khavar ghorbani
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran.( Correspondingauthor)
3 - Faculty member and director of Persian language and literature department, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Iran
Keywords: Tonekaboni, comic tricks, story, Ivan Fonagy.,
Abstract :
Satire is the most important type of literature that writers and researchers have paid attention to, and today it has reached the fields of linguistic research and has become one of the prominent features of contemporary Iranian fictional literature, which writers have used to convey their messages and reflect their social and cultural realities. There are different theories about Satire and how to create it. One of the important contemporary theories about Satire is the theory of Ivan Fonagy (1920-2005), a Hungarian linguist. In his books and articles, Fonagy has talked in detail about the ways of creating Satire in literary works, and since he examined Satire from both linguistic and non-linguistic angles, his theory can be used as a good criterion for the morphology of Satire in literary works and especially in contemporary fiction literature. Satire has recreational, critical and beautifying functions. Faraydoon Tonekaboni is one of the most prominent satirists of contemporary Iran with numerous works in the field of story writing and satire. In this research, the author has analyzed the satirical techniques in four collections of stories named Asirkhak, Busy City Notes and Thoughts, Dark Night Stars and Land of Happiness using a descriptive-analytical method and library tools. The results of the research show that exaggeration is the most frequent satirical techniques used by Tonekaboni to express his social and political criticisms with humorous language, as well as miniaturization techniques, playing with fictional characters, dictionary satire, situational satire, and the analysis of satire has also been used to express its subtle literary points.
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