Investigating the adaptation methods of infertile women with infertility ambiguity in the treatment process: A qualitative study
Subject Areas : Psychology
Niloufar Dirmanchi
Somayeh Kazemian
Ali akbar Khosravi babadi
1 - Ph.D. Student in counseling, Department of Education and Counseling, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Education and Counseling, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Adaptation Methods, Ambiguity, Infertile Women, Qualitative Study,
Abstract :
This study aims to explore infertile women adaptation methods to infertility ambiguity during the treatment process. It employs a qualitative approach using descriptive phenomenology. After infertile women in 1402 completed the McLean Tolerance of Ambiguity Questionnaire—having undergone artificial insemination at least twice—12 participants were selected based on purposive sampling. They were interviewed using semi-structured in-depth interviews until data saturation was achieved. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using the Colizzi seven-step method. The data analysis led to the production of 6 main themes and 14 subthemes. These themes are: Trying in the shadow of ambiguity and successive failures (multiple attempts, managing treatment-related experiences, and adjusting expectations). Controlling psychological reactions to ambiguity and treatment (controlling emotional reactions, cognitive reactions, and behavioral reactions). Obtaining support to face ambiguity (creating a personal support network and creating a social support network). Applying psychological strategies for disambiguation (internal coping methods and external coping methods). Managing social pressures (balancing personal pressures and balancing social pressures). Expanding perspective and trusting in the shadow of ambiguity (planning for the future and entrusting to God and fate). In conclusion, the study highlighted how infertile women were able to adapt to the ambiguity related to treatment and continue their journey steadfastly on the path of ups and downs of treatment. In this regard, psychologists and counselors are advised to focus on improving the tolerance of ambiguity in infertile women to improve their adjustment and quality of life.
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