Designing a Model for the Selection of Competent Professional Managers Aligned with Professionalism Policies in the Banking Industery
Subject Areas : human resource management
Masoud Dehghani
سراج الدین محبی
Mahdi Bagheri
1 - phd student of public administration, human resources major, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm International Branch
2 - گروه آموزشی مدیریت،دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد قشم،قشم،ایران
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran
Keywords: competency, professional competencies, organizational professionalism, banking industry,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: Organizations that employ professional and skilled personnel, particularly in management roles, possess a significant competitive advantage. This has resulted in heightened efforts to recruit qualified human resources in recent years. The objective of this research is to design a model for selecting competent professional managers in alignment with the organizational professionalism standards within the country's banking industry.
Research method: This research utilized the qualitative content analysis method to gather field data through semi-structured interviews with 12 experts from academia and the banking sector. The data analysis was facilitated using Atlas TI 8 software.
Findings: The findings revealed eight general categories, which encompass the semantic framework of organizational-oriented professional activism, the regulation of management requirements for professional roles, the functional aspects of interactive competencies, strategic and forward-looking competencies, the framework of individual-team-organizational competence-enhancing behaviors, the strategic ecosystem of human resources management actions, the promotion of positive employee behavior, and the enhancement of the image and organizational capital within the banking sector.
Conclusion: Attracting and employing skilled professional managers in the banking industry necessitates essential organizational measures. This includes fostering a culture of organizational professionalism, which will enable a clearer understanding of the strategies needed to effectively recruit and retain qualified and competent managers.
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