Examining The Impact Of Educational Space Design On The Development Of Cognitive And Communication Skills Of Primary School Boys In Shiraz City With An Emphasis On Culture And Social Issues
Subject Areas : Social Evolutions
Hakim Sandar
Hesamaddin Sotoudeh
Bagher Karimi
Emad Yousefi
1 - Ph.D.Student In Architecture, Department Of Architectur, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor Of Architecture Department, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor Of Architecture Department, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor Of Psychology Department, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.
Keywords: Educational spaces, social interactions, cognitive skill development, Shiraz city.,
Abstract :
The Role of Educational Space Design as a Key Factor in Shaping Cognitive and Communication Skills of Students Educational space design plays a vital role in shaping students' cognitive and communication skills, significantly enhancing education quality and fostering social interactions. This study analyzes the impact of physical school design on developing these skills among primary school boys in Shiraz, focusing on four schools with different designs: Dr. Hesabi, Mohammad Jenab, Fasaei-Nejad, and Sozandeh-Far. Ten criteria were selected as primary indicators for evaluation, including planning and organization; space and orientation; time concepts; memory, reading, writing, and arithmetic; body awareness; visual forms; comprehension of spoken language; expressive language; and verbal communication. The findings revealed significant differences in students' behavioral patterns across the schools. Notably, the modern design of Dr. Hesabi School—with emphasis on appropriate spatial segregation for social and individual interactions, standard classrooms, and suitable color schemes—had the most positive impact on these skills. The Pearson correlation coefficient indicated strong positive correlations between criteria like "space and orientation", (r = 0.562) & "time concepts", (r = 0.596) with educational space design. However, criteria such as "comprehension of spoken language", & "expressive language", showed weaker correlations (r = 0.101 & r = 0.095). These findings highlight that educational space design not only influences cognitive growth and social interactions but also serves as a cultural and social component, offering a solid foundation for enhancing education quality.
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