Identifying and ranking the cost and income factors for shipping companies in Iran’s road transit
Subject Areas : Operation Management
Mohammad Reza Farshidnejad
Habibollah Javanmard
Seyed Alireza Mirarab Beigi
1 - Department of Industrial management, Rudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rudehen, Iran
2 -
3 - Financial Management Group, Accounting and Management Faculty, Roodehen Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran
Keywords: Transit, Income, Cost, Shipping companies,
Abstract :
Determining the income and costs factors for transportation in transit, can help shipping companies in operation predicting and planning. The purpose of research is to identify and rank the cost and income factors for shipping companies in Iran’s road transit. The research method is descriptive and the method of data collection is field study. The samples consist of two groups. First group are experts to identify income and costs factors in transit and second group includes senior and financial managers in transport companies to determine the factors impact on income and costs in the Iran’s transit. To identify factors in quantitative section, thematic analysis is used. The effects of factors were determined using structural equation modeling and Friedman test are used for ranking. The results showed that the factors affecting the income and costs of transit are three main categories: operational factors, cost and speed of trade. The speed / consistency factor of trade includes the speed of load release, the speed delivery rate and the speed of office automation and the logistics possibilities of loading and unloading in destination, which is introduced as a new factor and also most important in this research.
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