Considering Medical and Psychological Indicators of Criminals in the Criminal Justice Process to Achieve Fair Trial
Subject Areas : Criminal Law and Criminology
Razieh Sabzehali
Mahmood Ashrafy
1 - Department of Law, Sciences and Researches Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Law, Isfahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Personality, offender, psychology, receptivity, correction.,
Abstract :
The development of human personality usually occurs gradually and incremental. Investigating and studying people's backgrounds is vital to understanding their current situation. Therefore, focusing on the personality of criminals and recognizing the motivations that influence criminal behavior can lead us to the ultimate goal: Reforming and rehabilitating criminals, determining punishments that correspond with their character, and manifesting justice. Today, many psychologists are looking for the causes of criminal behavior in the personal characteristics of criminals. This research examines the attention given to the personality of criminals from the perspective of psychological teachings. From this perspective, examining the personal, mental, psychological, and physical characteristics of offenders and the factors affecting their formation can prevent recidivism, provide correction and refinement of offenders, and help eliminate the causes of crime. This approach also assists judicial authorities in enacting effective laws that consider psychological matters to improve the situation of criminals. The research method in this dissertation is descriptive and analytical, utilizing the library method to collect, analyze, and process information.
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