Corona: the challenge of Liberal Order and American hegemony Hamid Ahmadinejad
Subject Areas : غرب پژوهی
arsalan ghorbani sheikhneshin
Hamid Ahmadinejad
1 - دانشگاه خوارزمی
2 - Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
Keywords: Crisis, Crisis Cube, Covid-19, Liberal Order, American hegemony,
Abstract :
Historical pandemics have invariably had a significant impact on the course of events. Pandemics have occasionally transformed civilizations, at times resulting in the devastation of entire territories and, on other occasions, precipitating the cessation or intensification of wars. The impact of such diseases on the structure of the international system, governments, and their actions is evidenced by numerous cases. Additionally, the compilation of books and articles with titles such as "The Role of Pandemics in Changing History" illustrates the significance and influence of pandemics on the processes and developments of the international system. In this regard, the sudden outbreak of coronavirus or Covid-19 in the current century, while bringing serious shock to the global health system, also seriously disrupted the political, economic and social structure of the world. The inability of the liberal and American international order to cope with the pandemic has led some to posit that the concept of the decline of this order and American hegemony should be intensified in the post-pandemic era. The objective of this article is to examine the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the liberal international order and the hegemony of the order, with a particular focus on the United States of America. To this end, the following question is posed: Corona as a crisis how has it affected the liberal and hegemony order of this order? Research findings with descriptive-analytical method and use of Crisis Cube Charles Herman shows that Corona was a crisis of extreme degrees that seriously tested the survival of the liberal order and its hegemony, the United States of America.
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