Validation of the implementation model of the supervisory role of secondary school principals
Subject Areas :Mohammad Mahmoud Hadi Saleh Al-Tamimi 1 , Mohammad Naqi Imani 2 , Maryam , Hashem Hamad Hashem Al-Badri 3 , Asghar Sharifi 4 , Mohammad Ali Nadi 5
1 - PhD student in educational management, Department of Educational Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan)Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Rudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rudehen, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Wasit, Iraq.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Rudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rudehen, Iran
5 - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: validation, supervisory role, school managers, education.,
Abstract :
Purpose: Principals play an important role in running schools. Therefore, the implementation of the supervisory role of managers can help to improve the education system. The purpose of this research was to validate the model of implementing the supervisory role of secondary school principals in Wasit province of Iraq.
Methods: This research is quantitative-descriptive and practical in terms of research purpose. The statistical population included all secondary school principals in Wasit province of Iraq, and the sample size was 200 people based on the Morgan-Georgesi table and confirmed by sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. The current questionnaire contains 68 items, which include the dimensions and components of the implementation of the supervisory role of secondary school principals in Wasit province of Iraq. Cronbach's alpha test was used to calculate the reliability of the research tool, and its value was 0.84. To analyze the data, the method of structural equations was used with the help of Amos software.
Findings: The findings showed that the coefficients of covariance between research constructs, standard deviation, critical ratio and its significance levels are significant. According to the significance levels obtained from the covariance between the data for all the research constructs which is less than 0.05 (P-value < 0.05).
Conclusion: It can be said that the research structures are able to provide a model for the implementation of the supervisory role of secondary school principals in Wasit province of Iraq.
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