The Outcomes of Servant Leadership Based on Public Service Motivation Among Employees of Kerman Municipality
Subject Areas :
Morteza Afsahi
Mohammad Jalal Kamali
Ameneh Firozabadi
1 - Department of Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Bardsir Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bardsir, Iran
Keywords: Managerial requirements, Islamic approach, servant leadership.,
Abstract :
This study aimed to examine the outcomes of servant leadership based on the presence of public service motivation among the employees of Kerman Municipality. Servant leadership, as a managerial style emphasizing the enhancement of employee motivation, can foster mutual trust between leaders and followers, thereby strengthening employee motivation. The statistical population of this study included 154 employees of Kerman Municipality. The tools used to measure the research variables were standard questionnaires with a reliability coefficient exceeding 0.8. The Smart PLS3 software was utilized for data analysis and hypothesis testing. The findings indicate that servant leadership has a positive and significant impact on public service motivation among employees. This leadership style, by enhancing mutual trust, improves employees' ability to provide better and more efficient services. Therefore, managers and public organizations should carefully adopt this leadership approach and strengthen employee motivation to deliver more effective services to the community. This study demonstrates that servant leadership, by improving and reinforcing public service motivation, can significantly enhance the performance and services provided by Kerman Municipality. It underscores the importance of public organizations focusing on increasing the capabilities of both employees and managers to optimize service delivery. Managers should consider this aspect carefully to achieve better organizational outcomes.
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