Compilation of a training package of wise psychological interventions to prevent the aggression of delinquent teenagers
Subject Areas : Psychological Models and Methods
Kamran Hekmat
Mahboobeh FouladChang
1 -
2 - Department of Educational psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: : wise psychological interventions, aggression, juvenile delinquents, thematic analysis,
Abstract :
It seems that the prevention of aggression, especially among delinquent teenagers with aggressive behaviors, is of special importance. Based on this necessity, the aim of the current research was to develop an educational package based on wise psychological interventions to prevent aggression among delinquent teenagers. The research method was a qualitative type of content analysis and Stirling's technique based on a comparative (theory-based) approach. For this purpose, based on relevant research sources in the field of wise interventions, using a targeted method and the use of theoretical saturation criteria, 19 articles published in the period from 2003 to 2024 in reputable journals, mostly abroad, have been examined and themes related to this field have been extracted. . Nvivo software was used to analyze the themes, and based on the findings of the research, 29 basic themes, 8 organizing themes and 3 inclusive themes were identified. In the following and according to the obtained conceptual framework, the educational intervention protocol was developed for 6 sessions. The content validity of this educational package was calculated using the opinion of experts and the use of independent coders using the Holstein method, which was confirmed. Based on the findings of the research, it seems that the educational protocol was used to reduce aggression in delinquent teenagers. After the completion of the research in 1403, the educational protocol was taught to 15 people out of 70 people from the total number of help seekers of Fars correctional center accused of violent acts.
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