Evaluation of the antifungal components and antifungal activity produced from native Bacillus toyonensis against plant pathogen fungal Aspergillus tubingensis and Fusarium fujikuroi
Subject Areas : Environmental Microbiology
kosar sadat Shojaedin
Shokoofeh Ghazi
shadi selseleh zakeri
1 - Master of Microbiology ,Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Modern Science and Technology, Department of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Basic Science, Tehran Medical Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD in microbiology ,Department of microbiology , Cereal Research Center ,Tehran , Iran
Keywords: Aspergillus tubingensis, Fusarium fujikuroi, Bacillus toyonensis, soil, antifungal metabolites,
Abstract :
Aimes and Background: Aspergillus tubingensis and Fusarium fujikuroi cause raisin rot and ring rot of rice .Nowadays, using chemical compounds has decreased. Therefore, Bacillus species having antifungal activities can be used in biocontrol. The aim of this research is evaluating antifungal metabolites produced from the Bacillus strains against two mentioned fungi.
Materials & Methods: This research is an experimental research type. 5 soil samples were collected from forest
soils of Tehran for the Bacillus isolation genus and the antifungal activity of the isolated Bacillus species were
evaluated using well-method. To increase the amount of antifungal production, superior strain was optimized.
Produced antifungal metabolite was purified by the Methanol extraction method and its compounds were evaluated
by GC chromatography analysis. Superior strain was assessed for genetic identity based on 16S rRNA sequencing.
Results: Production amount for antifungal metabolites of Bacillus species was evaluated and a strain showing the highest fungal growth-inhibition halo with a diameter of 26±0.265 and 25±0.265 mm (p≤0.05) introduced as the superior strain. Inoculation of this species into the production medium, in the presence of Glucose, Yeast extract as the nitrogen source, neutral pH, and with incubation time course of 48 hours showed the significant increase in the production rate of antifungal compounds with diameters of 31±0.265 and 30.265±0.0 mm (p≤0.05). The superior species was identified as the name of Bacillus toyonensis. Results of Gas chromatography confirmed the production of 68.38% antifungal metabolite from lipopeptides of the Iturin group.
Conclusion: Bacillus toyonensis, as a native strain isolated from the soil ecosystem of Iran, has a potent capacity in
producing antifungal metabolites and this potential can be benefited in biological control of fungal pests.
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