Modeling Household Electricity Consumption Using Agent-Based Simulation
Shima Simsar
Mahmood Alborzi
Ali Rajabzadeh
Ali Yazdian Varjani
Keywords: Agent-based modeling and simulation, Demand response, Electricity consumption, Electricity demand profiles,
Abstract :
Electricity is one of the most significant energy sources in the modern world. Over the last century, there has been no significant change in the centrally controlled structure of electrical power grids, especially in developing countries. Global population and economic expansion, together with air pollution, put further strain on the electricity industry. The power electrical grid, as the main structure for power transmission, has to reconsider its concepts. Currently, critical peak load caused by residential customers has attracted utilities to pay more attention to residential demand response (RDR) programs. With the rise in household computing power and the increasing number of smart appliances, more and more residents are able to participate in demand response (DR) management through the home energy management system (HEMS) to prioritize the start-up of electrical appliances according to the necessity of use and efficiency. In this research, the scheme is a multi-agent method that considers two chief purposes, including peak smoothing and reducing energy consumption by evaluating two scenarios of fixed-price appliance consumption and variable-price appliance consumption simulation. To evaluate the potential of price change to better consumption measures, multi-layered structures, including utility and various types of households and appliances, are modeled. The experimental results of two scenario analyses show that variable pricing of appliances can reduce power consumption and smooth the load peak diagram.
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