Application and Assessment of Detecto’s Deep Learning Algorithm for Identifying Apple Fruit on Trees
Subject Areas : Sustainable production technologiesIman Ahmadi 1 , Fateme Tavassoli 2
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering of Agricultural Machinery, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: Apple Recognition, Deep Learning, Detecto Algorithm, IOU Criterion,
Abstract :
One area where deep learning models have shown their potential is the identification of objects within images. The focus of this study is to develop a deep learning model to identify apple fruit on a tree using images captured from trees of apple orchards. The performance of the model was evaluated by calculating the ratio of the intersection to the union areas of the actual and predicted boxes surrounding the apples in the image. This was done on a number of close-up images with one or two apples, and then the sensitivity, accuracy, and F1 score metrics were calculated. In order to use all images of the validation folder in evaluating the performance of the algorithm, the average accuracy criterion for apple detection in all images was used, taking into account a detection threshold level of 50%. According to the results acquired, the model training process decreased the cost function's value, and after more than 10 epochs, the graph appeared nearly flat. Furthermore, the variety of apple and the type of the image backgrounds did not influence the model's results. Additionally, regarding quality, the model performed exceptionally well in identifying apples in close-up photos. Quantitatively, the sensitivity, accuracy, and F1 score measures of the model on a number of close-up images with one or two apples were obtained as 1, 0.92, and 0.94, respectively, considering a 80% detection threshold level.. On the other hand, the average accuracy obtained on all images in the validation folder was 88%, considering a 50% detection threshold level. Thus, the effectiveness of the model used in this study was validated in identifying apple fruit on trees.
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