Study on annual Distribution of three species of Crabronidae In several cities of Fars province ( Sepidan , kazeroon , khonj , kharameh )
Subject Areas : Entomology
1 - Department of Entomology , Marvdasht Branch , Islamic Azad University , Marvdasht , Iran
Keywords: Crabronidae, Bees, Fars Province, Environmental parameters, Biodiversity, Distribution,
Abstract :
Crabronidae is one of the largest families within the order Hymenoptera, belonging to the superfamily Apoidea. They hold an important position among beneficial insects due to their complex behavior, predatory lifestyle, and genetic connections with other members of the Apoidea superfamily. Environmental and ecological studies of various species within this group provide a comprehensive understanding of their presence or absence in different regions, as well as their quantitative and qualitative distribution patterns. Fars Province, with its diverse ecosystem and rich insect population, provides an ideal habitat for these wasps. In this study, the distribution of three species of Crabronidae was examined over a 12-month period (2021-2022) in four different geographical regions of Fars Province (Sepidan, Kazeroon, Khonj, and Kherameh). Sampling was conducted using Malaise traps, and the impact of climatic conditions (temperature) on the distribution of these wasps was analyzed. The results of this study showed that these wasps have the highest abundance in the tropical and subtropical regions of Fars Province. In the southern regions, the species were observed from late May to the end of December, while in the cooler areas, fewer species were collected, with their presence recorded from June to late October. Additionally, despite differences in the monthly sample counts, the overall annual distribution patterns of the species under study were similar. This study confirms the impact of temperature on the distribution of Crabronidae wasps, showing that warmer regions offer more favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of these insects. In addition to temperature, other environmental parameters may also play a role in the proliferation and distribution of these wasps. The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of hymenopteran insects and can be useful in the management of natural habitats and conservation programs for beneficial insects.
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