Investigating the Positive Ideas of Humanity and Transcendence in Rumi's Divan-e Shams and the Divan of Hafez
Subject Areas :esmail eslami 1 , خیرالنّساء محمّدپور 2
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2 - استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشگاه پیامنور، تهران، ایران
Keywords: positivity, humanity, excellence, Divan-e Shams, Divan of Hafez.,
Abstract :
Persian literature is filled with poems by poets, each of whom has in some way taken a step in the path of flourishing the spiritual and psychological needs of people. In the meantime, Rumi's Divan-e Shams and Divan of Hafez show a special attitude towards the world. There are two negative and positive views in psychology, the first one causes disease and shortens life, and the other causes life expectancy, health and stress relief; Therefore, positive psychology reduces mental problems by overcoming negative emotions. The current interdisciplinary research with a descriptive-analytical method aims to do a comparative study of positive psychology in the components of humanity and transcendence in Divan-e Shams and Divan of Hafez based on the theory of Martin Seligman, in order to take a step in the direction of explaining the effects and reactivity of the two categories of psychology and literature. take away Based on the results obtained between the main core of the qualities related to humanity and excellence in the two mentioned works, not only is there no difference from a positive psychological point of view, but there is an almost similar view of positivity and positive thinking, and these two virtues complement each other in the poems of these two poets and create Psychological transformation and change of attitude and improving the quality of life of the audience is effective.
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