The Relationship between academic self-efficacy, academic procrastination and Academic vitality with Internet Addiction in high and low secondary school students
Subject Areas : Adolescent health
Fariba Alizadeh
Roohalla Karimikhoygani
Mahdi Mahmoodi
1 - Master's student, Department of Educational Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - (Corresponding author), Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Amin University of Tehran,, tell: 09028636747
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: academic performance, academic self-efficacy, academic procrastination, academic vitality, Internet addiction,
Abstract :
Introduction: Internet addiction is recognized as a psychosocial disorder and is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between academic self-efficacy, academic procrastination and academic vitality with Internet addiction in high and low secondary school students.
Research method: The research method is of correlational type and the statistical population included all students of the second secondary level (government) of District 5 of Tehran in the academic year 1400-1401, of which there were 220 people (110 girls and 110 boys) by sampling method in were selected and answered the questionnaires of academic self-efficacy, academic procrastination, academic vitality and internet addiction.
Findings: The results of correlation and regression analysis showed that among the components of academic self-efficacy, aptitude, effort and texture have a significant relationship (p≤0.01) with internet addiction in students with 99% confidence. Among the components of academic procrastination, preparing for exams with β=0.396, preparing for assignments and preparing for the end of the semester with 99% confidence have a significant relationship (p≤0.01) with Internet addiction in students. Also, there was a relationship between academic vitality and Internet addiction in students (r=0.178), which is statistically significant with 99% confidence (p ≥ 0.01).
Conclusion: As a result, Internet addiction is effective on academic vitality, academic procrastination and academic self-efficacy, and it also affects the academic performance of students.
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