Social and Cultural Infrastructures of Participatory Endowment Using the Qualitative and Quantitative Delphi Method
Subject Areas : Islamic governanceMansour Najaflo 1 , Mahbobe Babaei 2 , Rababe Porjebali 3
1 - PhD Student, Department of Social Sciences, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
Keywords: Endowment, participatory endowment, development of social and cultural infrastructure.,
Abstract :
Endowment and promotion of endowment culture in Islam are very important and extensive topics. Also, the role of endowment as a civil matter arising from the high Islamic culture in developing social and cultural infrastructures and organizing the issues and problems of the society is not hidden from anyone. Endowment is one of the best charitable deeds and in order to enable everyone to participate in this good tradition, the Endowment and Charity Affairs Organization has designed a path called participatory endowment. The aim of the research is to present an applied model of participatory endowment using the qualitative and quantitative Delphi method. The research method was classified as descriptive-analytical research in terms of nature and method and was carried out using the Delphi method. Philosophically, the research has an interpretive approach and a developmental orientation; Therefore, in terms of the applied purpose, in terms of the nature and collection of descriptive-survey data, it is a mixed type that uses both qualitative data from the expert panel and quantitative data from the survey to collect and analyze data
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