The Contributive Effect of Teacher-Student Interaction in Language Learning and Academic Achievement: Investigating Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Social-Cultural Domain
Subject Areas : Family
1 - Assistant Professor In TESL, English Department, Faculty Of Humanities, Malekan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malekan, Iran.
Keywords: academic achievement, correlational research design, self-regulated learning, structural equation model, teacher-student interaction,
Abstract :
To investigate the contributive effect of teacher-student interaction in EFL learners' academic achievement, the researcher employed a correlational research design. The main purpose of the current study was to survey the effects of using self-regulated learning strategies in social-cultural domain. In this study the learners' interaction with their teachers were considered as the direct influential factor in their academic growth while their self-regulation played a mediated role in academic achievement. A sample of 218 EFL learners (male = 102 and female = 116), with an age range of 18 to 45, was drawn with the aid of a prior sample size calculator for the structural equation models from 645 students. They were enrolled at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. In order to obtain the required data, teacher-student interaction questionnaire, self-regulated learning questionnaire, and learners' GPA were utilized. The data were analyzed using path analysis and correlational analysis methods via utilizing Lisrel software. The structural equation model (SEM) hypothesis testing procedure exposed that the teacher-student interaction directly and significantly influenced learners' academic accomplishments (r=.45). Equally, the obtained results designated that the effect of the teacher-student interaction on EFL learners' academic achievement is mediated by the impacts of SRL (r=.47). Congruently, the obtained consequences specified that the theorized model fits the data. The causal contribution of social factors, consisting of the teacher-student interaction and SRL, to EFL learners’ academic achievement was validated. The discoveries of this research have required material writers and developers, counselors, and teachers to seriously pay attention to learns' academic growth through using strategies such as increasing the amount of their interaction with the teacher and self-regulated learning.
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