Investigating the Mediating Role of Ego-Strength in the Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Psychosomatic Symptoms
Subject Areas :
Seyedeh Asma Hosseini
Azadeh Farzanpour
Zeinab Sarabadani
1 -
2 - Alzahra University
3 - Alzahra University
Keywords: ego strength, sleep quality, psychosomatic symptoms,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of ego-strength in the relationship between sleep quality and psychoso- matic symptoms. Among the female students of the conservatory in the academic year of 1401-1402, 300 persons were selected using the available sampling method. Participants completed the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI; Buysse, Reynolds, Monk, Berman, & Kupfer, 1989), Psychosomatic Symptoms Questionnaire (PSQ-39; Lacourt, Houtveen & Doornen, 2013) and Ego-Strength Scale (ESS; Besharat, 2016). Results showed there is a significant positive relationship between sleep quality and psychosomatic symptoms and both sleep quality and psychosomatic symptoms have a significant negative correlation with ego strength. Results also revealed that ego-strength mediated the relation- ship between sleep quality and psychosomatic symptoms.
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