The Place of the Islamic Approach in the Criminal Policy of Child Victimization
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issues
1 - Master's degree in Commercial Company Law, Tehran University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services.
Keywords: Islam, judicial protection, victimization and children and adolescents,
Abstract :
Criminal law shows that criminologists' research and criminal law issues have been focused more on elements such as crime, offender, and punishment, and less on the rights of victims in modern law. In a way, the victim, as one of the elements of the pre-criminal situation, was the focus of modern criminology, and the study of the relationship between the victim and the offender provided a suitable basis for the emergence of a new branch of criminology called victimology. This is while the rights of victims have existed for a long time and in all religious sects and, accordingly, governments formed throughout history, moral attacks on victims have been considered in a way that the most important goals of punishment have been to calm the mind and compensate the victims, although some believe that until the middle of the twentieth century; victims did not play a decisive and significant role and they can be called "forgotten persons". Fortunately, in the last few years, special attention has been paid to this issue, as is more evident in Iran, as an Islamic country, with the drafting of the Criminal Procedure Code in 1993. The existence of legal gaps soon made everyone, especially the legislator, realize the importance of the issue, so that a more comprehensive law could be passed. The news that was published in the media regarding the victimization of children and adolescents hurt public sentiments, and those who had these sentiments made very serious demands in the areas of approving a bill that came to the fore in 2010 with the approval of the Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents. The purpose of this article is to examine the Islamic approach to supporting victims in the Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents approved in 2010.
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