Martyr Qassem Soleimani; A Model for the Front of Truth and Revolution from the Perspective of Nahjul-Balagha
Subject Areas : Thematic interpretation of Nahj al-Balagha
1 - University professor
Keywords: Nahjul-Balagha, Front of Truth, Piety, Insight, Guardianship, Qasem Soleimani,
Abstract :
One of the surest ways to protect the ideals of religion and revolution is to train self-made and insightful forces and commanders on the path of revolution, because the hostility of opponents, the narrow-mindedness and ignorance of friends, the lack of sufficient insight and accurate and meticulous distinction between right and wrong, and dozens of other factors, have always caused challenges for the movements defending the Front of Truth and Revolution. Introducing Martyr Qassem Soleimani as a prominent model and in accordance with the indicators that Imam Ali (AS) has mentioned in Nahjul-Balagha, can be useful and effective in realizing and advancing the goals of the revolution and the Front of Truth. This article examines this question using a descriptive-argumentative method: What should be done to prevent the Islamic Revolution from being coveted by enemies and hegemons from outside and from the people of society from being shaken and plagued by division and the resulting losses? The results of this research show that martyr Qasem Soleimani, while complying with the indicators presented in Nahjul-Balagha, namely piety, insight, and guardianship, is the same personality that was approved by Imam Ali (AS) and is a model for the front of truth and the revolution.
قرآن کریم
نهج البلاغه
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