Psychometric Properties of the Willingness to Read Questionnaire in an EFL Context
Subject Areas :
saeed mojaradi
Masoud Zoghi
nader assadi
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Keywords: EFL reading, psychometric properties, willingness to communicate, willingness to read,
Abstract :
Willingness to read (WTR) is often assumed to be part of a blanket term known as willingness to communicate (WTC). Although the linguistic bases underlying WTR might be similar to WTC, the theoretical explanations of WTR are most likely to be different from WTC. Given the importance of this construct, the design of an independent, valid, and reliable instrument for WTR measurement seems to be a major requirement in the literature. Using a correlational study, we developed a willingness to read questionnaire (WTRQ) and checked its psychometric properties to ensure the WTRQ’s accuracy and appropriateness in an EFL context. In this correlational study, we utilized convenience sampling to recruit our research sample, which comprised 269 participants consisting of EFL learners with varying levels of proficiency. Results obtained from exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed a 5-factor WTRQ with 40 items. Findings also showed that the WTRQ enjoys acceptable psychometric properties in terms of reliability and validity. The study concludes that the WTRQ has the potential to be employed in EFL reading research as a validated instrument for measuring WTR.
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