An Investigation of Religious and Mystical Experience from Ibn Arabi's Viewpoint and Comparing it with Revelation
Subject Areas :Mitra Kazemi Tabriz 1 , محمدتقی فعالی 2 , هادی وکیلی 3
1 - PhD Student of Sufism and Islamic Mysticism, Faculty of Law and Theology, Tehran University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran
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Keywords: Keywords: religious experience, mystical experience, revelation, Shari'a, Ibn Arabi.,
Abstract :
During the human life, from primitive societies until now, the relationship of human with immaterial things has been discussed in different ways, which is due to the nature of seeking God for the pleasures of humans. In the contemporary world, it has been called religious and mystical experience. In mystical experience, the man's external senses are cut off, and he gets to observe the creation of unity with nature and the universe that is outside his ego, and in religious experience, the subject is the experience of God and His manifestations. These experiences are named in a wide range under the titles of dream, dream, inspiration, revelations, etc. and even revelation. The purpose of the present research is to investigate these experiences in comparison with the "pure experience of Revelation". Ibn Arabi, a Muslim scholar of the 7th century AH. In his works, especially Fosus, which he considers to be "immediate knowledge of the truth", he introduces the religious experiences and spiritual authorities of the seeker with different names depending on the way the seeker behaves, so that the Muslim mystic can follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Imams. Purification (the criterion of the validity of experiences) to the original and higher perceptions of the world of matter (the world of fantasy connected "bound" and separate "absolute", the world of spirits, the world of names and attributes). He considers the revelation of prophets to be a pure experience and the highest spiritual connection that occurs in a separate dream and sometimes in a connected dream of a prophet, regarding to the mystical symbolic language.
منابع و مآخذ
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