The quality of lifestyle and the drought of Zayande-Rood: Interpretive under-standing of the lived experiences of Isfahan citizens of the water
Subject Areas :
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Administration, IsfahanBranch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Quality of Life style, Social Life style, Environmental Life style, River of Zayande-Rood, Water Crisis ,
Abstract :
In recent years, Iran has grappled with escalating environmental crises, especially concerning water-related issues. This study aims to comprehensively understand the lived experiences of Isfahan citizens amid the city's water crisis. The methodology employed for this study was qualitative research, utilizing thematic analysis for data interpretation. A total of 27 Interviews were conducted with Isfahan citizens, focusing on their subjective experiences regarding the water crisis in the Zayande-Rood river. Data collection utilized a non-homogeneous sampling method. Predetermined criteria concerning credibility, reliability, and objec-tivity were applied to validate the findings. Data coding and theory-based analysis were performed simul-taneously during interviews. The data interpretation comprised basic, organizing, and inclusive coding stages. Analyzing the data revealed key categories, notably the impact on citizens’ quality of life under socio-environmental conditions, considered as an inclusive category. The subjective feeling of happiness derived from environmental conditions (the sense of citizens' happiness and satisfaction through the envi-ronment) and changes in the lifestyle of citizens were reconstructed as organizing categories. The main sub-organizing categories reconstructed in this study include changes in citizens’ lifestyle, alterations in leisure activities, social interactions, extending citizens' environmental concerns, Citizens' dissatisfaction with government performance, changes in sense of emotional well-being of citizens, Citizens' dissatisfaction with weather conditions, and decreasing satisfaction with Urbanization. Primarily, citizens consider drought and water shortage to be the main reasons for the reduced quality of (socio-environmental) lifestyle in Isfahan.
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