The interaction of the body and the soul on the sublimation or the weakening of human evolutionary life according to the verses of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas :
1 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی آبدانان
Keywords: Man, body, soul, perfection, ascension, fall,
Abstract :
Understanding human beings and the education of sublimation or weakening of its evolutionary life is not an issue that can be easily achieved, because man is not the only natural and material being like other beings of the universe rather than its limited and limited existential needs and capacity. It is the time and place of the natural world. He consists of two dimensions of the miracle and heavenly that, due to the blowing of the divine spirit in this earthly body, he has attained such status with the Arshids and the Universe that everyone prostrates himself in front of him. So that the originality of humanity, in other words, human humanity goes back to its transnational aspect and his heavenly spirit is a very important point that we have achieved, and we know that one will never depart from his natural and animal status unless two dimensions Remember their material and spiritual, and the value and importance of each and the mutual influences that each have on the other and the acquisition of evolutionary life; Find it, because although human existentiality depends on the soul, the soul cannot have growth and perfection without body and material life and attains the status of the arc of the arc. And any interference in the material dimension may remove him from this place. So, by knowing the self, one will not only understand the Lord but also to the ultimate evolution of his divine closeness. This article is written in the way of analyzing and matching topics.
قرآن کریم
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