Corporate Foresight: A Systematic Literature Review
Subject Areas : Futurology
Mahdi Joneidi Jafari
Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard
AliReza Jalali Farahani
1 - Imam Khomeini International University,Faculty of Social Sciences, Futures Studies Dept.
2 - Professor of Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU)-Tehran-Iran.
3 - Consultant of Management Studies Center of Tarbiat Modares University and Director of Mellat Bank Research and Strategic Transformation Center.
Keywords: ", Systematic Literature Review", , ", Foresight", , ", Corporate Foresight", , ", Strategic Foresight", , ", Organizational Foresight", , ", Bibliometric", ,
Abstract :
Due to the speed and uncertainty of environmental changes, firms become less confident in the effectiveness of planning that is based on previous experience and assumptions. Instead, executives started to recognize that business decisions should not only be driven by past data, but also be based on systematic evaluation of possible forthcoming trends by constantly scanning for and interpreting discontinuities in the external environment. Corporate foresight can be defined as the desire of the company to understand futures for the long-term interests of the company. This article was written with the aim of a systematic review of corporate foresight literature between 2006 and 2022. The systematic review of corporate foresight literature includes the scientific research works of countries, the distribution of articles based on the year of publication, journals, authors, the number of citations to the journals and researchers and classified from the prospective of methodology. The findings show that the subject of corporate foresight has received more attention over time, and researchers can use different theoretical and methodological approaches to investigate corporate foresight and cover the research gap.